NATURE NERDS RULE! Nature Photography, Videography, and Education

I go up into the Mineral Hills Conservation Area, to take a look at what's moving and talk about the four basics of tracking: context, patterns, stride and straddle, and the tracks themselves. This is part of Kestrel Land Trust's Learning with the Land Series.
Here is a video I made to celebrate Kestrel Land Trust's 50th Anniversary. The music is by Banish Misfortune!
Molly Hale was going to lead a Vernal Pool Hike into the Sawmill Hills of Northampton, Massachusetts but to be safe during these challenging times, the hike was cancelled. So Molly and I, while practicing social distancing, went up into the Sawmill Hills and made this video for everyone.
This is a short video exploring the natural history of the bobcat, Western Massachusetts' only wildcat. Visit my blog on Instagram for other features on wildlife of New England.
A little piece of heaven can be found in Ashfield, MA. Over 200 acres of fields and forests make up the Bullitt Reservation owned and managed by the Trustees of Reservations. My Nature Nerd Friends and I visited the Reservation all sum mer long to chase butterflies. Here's what we found!
When the beach gets too hot for the piping plover kids, they just have mom keep them cool. But she can get sick of that. The second chick says "" These cute chicks are part of the Cape Cod National Seashore's commitment to preserving threatened and endangered species. There may be less than 8,000 piping plovers left in the world. Now, 8,000 and 2! Remember, extinction is forever...
I had the pleasure of watching an immature little blue heron fish at Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area in Florence, Massachusetts. Little blues usually never get this far north and if they do, they usually only stay by the coast. Very fun, and beautiful!
The Marine Mammal Rescue Team of IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) here on Cape Cod released three white-sided dolphins that stranded themselves. Thanks IFAW Rescue team for making it a beautiful day!
Get incredible insight about the Timber Rattlesnake from expert herpetologist Tom Tyning of Berkshire Community College!
Join Molly Hale, Ted Watt, and me, Nature Nerds all, as we explore the wild world of porcupines in Western Massachusetts.
Kestrel Land Trust Community News: A summary of the incredible Dragonfly Walk and Talk led by naturalist Josh Rose at Scarborough Brook Conservation Area in Pelham, Massachusetts in the summer of 2015.
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